Winston Is Not An Ordinary Rabbit is our first children's book. The story is about a rescue rabbit who finds a home with Wendy, a curious eight-year-old girl.

Book is large - 11x8.5 inches. Suggested for readers 4 to 8 years old, but it can be enjoyed by anyone.
Price $25 + shipping.

The Winston in the book is no ordinary rabbit. But there was a real, ordinary rabbit named Winston in our house many years ago. Back then, when the children of the house were at school, Winston was a very lonely rabbit. He curled up in his bunny bed and slept until the children came home. It was easy to imagine that he might be dreaming of what he could do if he could join the children’s adventures.

Many years later, remembering those times, we have imagined what a smart rabbit might imagine if he could experience people things. With so many things to try and to wonder about in the children’s world, a smart rabbit couldn’t help but want to join in. And clearly, Winston is no ordinary rabbit, so it was easy to give his imagination a narrative.

This book about Winston is no ordinary book. It was prompted by an AI computer image of a handsome rabbit dressed up in a navy officers uniform. The computer tools made it possible to create more interesting images of a rabbit in various, human-like situations. The story then evolved from that collection of computer-generated rabbit images. We described the young girl we had in mind to the computer and it gave us what we asked for—the perfect companion for Winston. We called her Wendy, which has a nice fluency coupled with Winston. We hope many children will enjoy the wonderful imaginings of Wendy and Winston.